Saturday, September 17, 2011

News Travels Fast v2.0

Holy Cameos, Batman!

There's another character thrown into the massive mix that is Arkham City: Deadshot. I'm seriously impressed with the line up they're creating. I really hope that the development team can pull it off well (I have faith in them) and that it doesn't turn into a mish mash of Batman drifting aimlessly from villain to villain just for the sake of them being a part of the roster. This game could be incredibly epic, though. Really looking forward to it.

Gaming + Porn = Duh.

Wait, so it's somehow news that young males like both video games and boobies? Apparently it's news worthy, as The Escapist recently had an article on their front page about Pwned by Girls (NSFW), a website started by two female gamers who wanted to join together their love of nudity and video games.

I'm a fan of playing games and not wearing clothes. Except for me that's usually more of a private affair and it has more to do with just not feeling like getting dressed for the day than any sexy times with a camera. Silly me. Maybe I'd be rich if I'd decided to market this idea earlier.

Gen Con and Mayfair Make Good Bedfellows.

So, you know from my previous little convention lovefest that I'm a fan of Gen Con. Well, I got an email a little while ago saying that Mayfair Games is upgrading their level of co-sponsorship for Gen Con to a more permanent arrangement. This last convention was a sign of things to come - Mayfair Games was able to provide over nine thousand game demos for Gen Con'ers to enjoy. While vendors are great and you definitely shouldn't miss the Artist's Alley (maybe I'll be there one day... maybe), game demos are kind of the meat and potatoes of Gen Con. It really is all about the games.

Well, all about the games and all the nerdiness that goes with it.

Txt better than bombs! #140BickeringDiplomacy

Apparently, the Taliban and Nato take out their aggressions online the same way fourteen year olds with internet connections do - via Twitter. The remarks made aren't really all that remarkable, as they simply express stances that each side take in opposition to one another and the judgements each side makes of the other. The only reason this is striking is simply because of how surreal it is. I think of passive agressive co-workers or siblings duking it out in the 140s, not Nato and the Taliban.

Chaos in Mexico

The latest news out of Mexico is quite horrifying, and I choose not to go into detail here as 1) It's a little too 'heavy' a subject for me to handle right now and 2) sources are a little fuzzy when it comes to confirming details.

However, this comment on Slashdot really caught my eye:
"While drug cartels in Mexico are disemboweling people they accuse of blogging about drug violence, Anonymous busies itself taking down Mexican government websites. With all the problems facing people in Mexico right now, including drug cartels extorting teachers for 50% of their pay and killing schoolchildren (thus shutting down the school system), Mexico's biggest oil field in terminal decline and drug cartels kidnapping busloads of people and forcing them into gladiator-style contests to the death, Anonymous' actions appear particularly petty."
Feel free to follow links to find out more. I'm honestly shocked that we don't pay more attention to the current state of affairs in Mexico here in the United States, considering they're our neighbors. Then again, this is coming from a Californian who is currently displaced in the Midwest. 


Netflix is set to lose about 1 million subscribers. Yikes. They think this is mostly due to the change in their through-the-mail pricing as well as the loss of some of their content (especially with the deal with Starz falling through.) I don't see them going anywhere soon, but it would be wise for them to consider some more options in accessing a broader array of content. Still, I'm an addict for streaming movies, and sometimes the more obscure it is, the better.

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